Friday 30 March 2012

Walk Cycle so far

This is a close up of the blocking of the arm swing,
this close up capture allows me analysis and make this
into a fairly good standard as it is still a 
working progress tho.

After making a lot progress in blocking out the lower
half the of the walk cycle, I was already ready 
to start blocking out the arms.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Walk Cycle Track of Progress

For my first attempt I mad some good progress so far, there slight leg
poping and foot roll that needs to be considered.

This is a screen grab of me posing the Moom character accordingly
follow the animation thumbnail drawings.

Animation Survival Guidelines for Walk Cycle

Richard Williams Animation Survival Kit

This thumbnail show the me the key pose I to take into when animating
the walk cycle to fit my Moom_ character in Softimage. The Contact poses
which 1,13 and 25 are fairly straight forward, but the crucial point are the
down and up pose as this creates the arc the walk cycle should follow.

This thumbnail sketch was very useful when 
it came to posing the arm swing after 
blocking out the legs first.

This allow to the counter acting of the
 arms right for my walk cycle.

I think following these drawing according made the walk 
quite straight forward to animate.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Tennis Ball 2nd/3rd attempt

This my 3rd attempt and the bounce is a bit quicker,
still a lot work needs doing I've it looks like floating
in this version.
This is my second attempt and the bounces need to be
quicker and there needs more impression that it is
dropping from a metre off the ground. The tennis
is stretched out of shape, a lot work 
to needs to be done.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Tennis Ball Planning/ 1st attempt

This is my attempt and there's a bounce, but 
the timing and second bounce
needs adjusting.

This image allow me to the direction, timing, height
of each bounce for tennis ball as this the 
movement I am trying to replicate.

This Reference footage is a varied types of ball bounces, 
but it was particularly useful when it shows the tennis ball
 bounce in the planning stage.