Monday 30 April 2012

More Planning

I also created a little flash animation made of the key
frames, to get the feel of this motion
I drew some sketches following the reference footage I shot on
flash and saved it as a j-peg for planning.  This became 
very useful to pose the character accordingly 
to dig motion of the clip.

Ref_Moom_Volley_ Dig / Planning

This give a close at the joints flexed 
within this pose.

I found this image to give an idea of the pose the 4th pose in the
is the one that fits my reference footage.

Using this reference footage I will attempt to replicate
this movement with the Moom character.

Bowling Ball 4th/ Final attempt

In this 5th and final attempt I think the timing is good and
I have gone back on the rotation and made it rotate slight
instead of what it was, it proves the less of it the better.

In this attempt the bounces are starting to a lot smooth
and more realistic and there is a slight change in the
rotation where I have alter so there is less. Still 
needs tweaking as it is a bit jumpy.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Bowling Ball 2nd/3rd attempt

In this 3rd attempt to make the bowling ball bounce the second
bounce looks better, but the rotation still needs tweaking as
it jumps quite a bit where more rotation
 to the bowling ball.

In this version its getting there, the second bounce is a
bit quick and the rotation needs changing 
as it jumps a bit inbetween. 

Saturday 28 April 2012

Bowling Ball Planning/ 1st attempt

This attempt show the drop which is  good start the other bounces
need to be tho, to give more impression of weight.

This chart I found on google shows the direction of the
 bounce the shear difference in weight
 I have to take in account.
This sketch I did is a plan that shows the 
weight and motion of the bounce 
so I have some to start from.

Friday 27 April 2012

5th and Final attempt looped

After the previous version I mad a lot progress 
and tweaked to the max so this is my is 
final attempt of the shuttlecock bounce.